About Analog Bytes

I’m a mom and an engineer. I spend most days (and a lot of nights) sitting in front of a computer screen writing code. I love what I do, but sometimes I just need to take a break and get away from staring at screens and do something a bit more analog.

This blog is dedicated to my hobbies — taking pictures and sewing for my daughter (aka Little Bit).

I’ve always loved to do crafty and creative things, but never had any interest in sewing — I never even took home ec! My new found interest started with dog collars and a halloween costume that my mom helped me out with back in 2011. Thanks to Pinterest and independent pattern designers, I’ve been kept busy with projects ever since.

My approach is to dive right in to a project even if I have no idea how to do something; you can always find the answer either in the manual or on the internet. My favorite things to sew are costumes for Little Bit (you can try all sorts of techniques and they don’t have to be perfect) and will be incredibly sad the day she gets too big to play dress up.

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